Category: Biography

Herbert Brown: The Anointed Stutterer

James Alexander Stewart was experiencing enormous success as an evangelist. By the age of 20, he was so sought after that he was preaching four or five times a day. He also filled his hours with evangelism in the streets and in homes. This was too...

I Never Made a Sacrifice : Hudson Taylor, Missionary to China

James and Amelia Taylor loved their children and, like all doting parents, they enjoyed giving them little treats on occasion. But once in a while, when Amelia brought a dessert to the table for her family, James would say, “Who will see if they can do...

When a Child Dies: Responses From Church History

What follows are the honest and courageous words of four well-known Christians from the past regarding the loss of a child—a much more common occurrence in previous centuries, but still a reality today. Ann Judson (missionary Adoniram Judson’s first wife), after the death of their second...

John G Paton’s Father: A Key to His Courage

John G. Paton was a missionary to the New Hebrides, today called Vanuatu, in the South Seas. He was born in Scotland in 1824. I gave my Pastors’ Conference message about him because of the courage he showed throughout his 82 years of life. When I...

Adrift in the South Atlantic A true adventure story for children

All day long, you could hear the children laughing and playing on the ship. Robert and Mary Bell, and Richard, Georgia and Carol Shaw had made friends of all the crew, and the sailors allowed them to go nearly anywhere on the ship they wanted. The...