Category: Theology

Jesus’ Counter-Cultural Love

How do you define love? In our age of indulgence, many define love this way: giving another person what he wants, regardless of what may be best for him. For example, if a 30-year old pregnant woman wants to murder her unborn child because she doesn’t...

The Incomprehensible Love of God in Christ

When believers suffer, is it a sign that God doesn’t care? Is the seemingly arbitrary and unfair distribution of suffering in this life an indication that God is not a loving Father?   Someone I know recently expressed personal doubts about the character of God. He...

God’s Holy Arm Bared at the Cross

When you think of the mighty deliverance that God provides, what image comes to your mind? Earlier this week I heard the cry from my youngest son, “Help! Dad, I’m stuck!” I was working alongside my dad and my boys on a piece of agricultural equipment....

What Are Lies, and Where Do They Come From?

A lie is an intentional misrepresentation of the facts with the goal of deceiving another person for personal benefit. Lies are usually spoken (or written), but words are not necessarily required. The sin of lying can be committed using silence, feigned ignorance, deceptive facial expressions, or...


The first three chapters of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians contain only one imperative—that is, he only asks them to do one thing: remember. Other than that single instruction, mentioned in 2:11 and then repeated in 2:12, the first half of the letter is Paul’s list...

Adoption—In God’s Loving Eyes

God loves orphans. Throughout the Old Testament God makes special mention of them (and widows) as dear to His heart. When you reap your harvest in your field and have forgotten a sheaf in the field, you shall not go back to get it; it shall...

Commanding the Ravens: God’s Unexpected Provision

If we’re honest, our view of God’s provision for us is pretty narrow. Following typical western assumptions, we think that if we work hard at a good job, or any job, we will see a good return and be provided for. That’s how God does it—through...

Because Christ is Building His Church…

Jesus Christ promised, “I will build my church” (Mt 16:18), and the growth of the church throughout history, all over the world, proves that he is keeping his word. If we’re not mindful of the reality of Christ building his church, then we’re missing the most...

Acceptance of Sin Isn’t Love

Many people who reject Christianity do so because of a perceived lack of love in churches. This rejection has caused a reactionary trend that seeks to soften God’s disapproval of sin and magnify a kind of love which isn’t really love at all. In order to...

Jesus on Forgiveness

When we wish to learn as much as possible about something, and when there is a singular renowned expert on that particular subject whose teaching happens to be plentiful and immediately accessible, it would seem unwise to spend a lot of time looking elsewhere for our...