New for April

Dear Singles: Here’s How to Plan for and Pursue Marriage

Singleness is obscure in the New Testament. There are two places that teach about it as a chosen way of life for some (Matthew 19:10-12, plus various verses in First Corinthians 7), but that’s just about it. Have you ever noticed in Paul’s letters, when he...

Careless Conduct

I didn’t pay careful attention. We changed insurance carriers, and the new company denied my diabetes medicine that had been keeping my blood sugar levels in check. I temporarily switched to some “over-the-counter” insulin to use occasionally when my blood sugar spiked. But I was careless....

Pursue Love

Two simple words forming one simple command lead the way in Paul’s introduction to 1 Corinthians 14 — the chapter best known for Paul’s instruction about spiritual gifts in the meetings of the local church. “Pursue love, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts . . .”...

A Look That Kills

As believers, we must “watch over our souls” diligently. For every one who could be accused of being overly conscientious to the point of debilitation, there are hundreds who neglect self-examination altogether. The job isn’t done by merely seeing what we are, however, but when we,...