New for December
Didn’t Jesus Come to Bring Peace on Earth?
I like to be at peace with people. If I sense there is conflict in a relationship, I’m stressed. But according to Jesus, his followers are not meant to always be at peace with others. This is how he put it. Do you think that I...
Christmas: Are We Supposed to Celebrate It?
You don’t have to celebrate Christmas. There is no command in the Bible to remember the time of Christ’s birth—not even a hint of it—nor is there any illustration of that happening in New Testament days. As far as we can tell, the Apostles never had...
A Hot Investment Tip for the New Year
You already know that you should put your money on a company that’s going places. Get in while it’s small and cheap, and if all goes as hoped, it will grow really big. I’m here to tell you, over the water cooler of course, that the...
Creation: The Fact that Leads to Faith
The Bible begins with a simple statement of fact: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Gen. 1:1). There are no commands given to men right away, no moral expectations—just this amazing fact. We live in, and are part of, a creation. We...