Category: . . . Depression
Four Truths for Stressful Days
After more than a year of wrongful imprisonment, Adoniram Judson, 19th Century missionary to Burma, was unexpectedly released. But the damage was irreversible. His wife Nancy had nearly killed herself trying to provide him food and care while he was being mistreated. This led to rapid...
Giant Despair
“Great thoughts of your sin alone will lead you to despair,” said the beloved 19th Century London pastor, Charles Spurgeon. He ought to know. He had excruciating bouts with depression. “I know the borders of despair and the horrible brink of that gulf of darkness into...
Getting Through a Miscarriage
Sadly, miscarriages are common. Experts say that about 20% of recognized pregnancies end in a miscarriage, but the actual percentage is higher if one includes those that happen without the mother knowing. Members of my church recently went through a miscarriage, and it brought back memories...
A Letter to a Sister Near Despair
Dear Sister in Christ, I am so sorry that you feel overwhelmed. I’d venture to say that most believing women have experienced days in which we have to use all our will power just to get out of bed. I know from personal experience how prolonged depression drains...