Category: . . . Gratitude
When Your Pastor Thinks He’s Brother Molehill
It might surprise you to know that many pastors who have generous smiles on their faces each Sunday are, deep down, very disheartened. Pastoring a church is difficult work. For one thing, it is usually thankless. I know there are some churches that seem to remember...
The Key to Christian Contentment
I once heard a comedian tell a joke about a pastor’s sermon series on contentment in the Christian life. His punch line was the title of the series: “Content or Discontent: Which Tent Do You Live In?” Everyone enjoys a good laugh, but contentment in the...
The Evil of Ungratefulness
Every year in late November, Americans are reminded to be thankful. Though some National Football League broadcasters have done their best to rename the day after the traditional main course of the meal (i.e., “Turkey Day”), thoughtful Americans persist in calling the day what it was...
Enjoying the Autumn Days of Life
This is a beautiful autumn day, just the kind that proved infinitely enjoyable when our son, his dog Smiley and I would go for long Sunday afternoon walks. Whenever fall crispness transfigures the leaves—and they begin to crunch under foot—I fondly recall those precious, delightful times....
A Ka-ching Thanksgiving
There is one day that we as a nation, from our earliest history, have set aside to thank God for His blessings. The Pilgrim Fathers did not know that their first Thanksgiving Day would result in a national holiday celebrated for hundreds of years. Centuries of...
31 Reasons Why Believers Should Give Thanks
Because God is good. 1 Chronicles 16:34 Because it is a correct response to God’s righteousness. Psalm 7:17 Because the Lord helps us. Psalm 28:7 Because thanksgiving glorifies God. Psalm 50:23 Because His name is good. Psalm 54:6 Because thanksgiving magnifies God. Psalm 69:30 Because God...
A 12 Point Cure for Complaining
Complaining is unbecoming of the true Christian and yet we are proficient at it. The cure is found in these verses. In Christ we are never hopeless or forsaken. Every trial has meaning. Meditate on this cure in order to change both your language and your...