Category: . . . Friendship & Love
The Cat, Witty
I’m lazily reading James Herriot’s tribute to cats called Cat Stories, illustrated by Lesley Holmes (the illustrations are as satisfying as the stories). Herriot has an attractive and thoughtful manner of relating his veterinarian stories, as some of you will know. Herriot’s book allows me to...
Four Insights from the “One Another” Commands
This whole page could be filled with the “one another” commands in the New Testament. Here are just a few: “Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.” (Romans 12:10) “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in...
Finding Friendship in the Church: Moving Forward
The starting place of Christian friendship is the message of Christ crucified for us. In Christ, God has removed the barriers that keep us separated from him and from one another. As a result of the cross, we are now freed to pursue real friendships, even...
Purposeful Community
In the church, we need each other. This is a simple concept, but do we believe it? The New Testament teaches us that the church is an interdependent community. Each of us is dependent upon others to meet our needs, and each of us is responsible...
Finding Friendship in the Church: A Starting Place
Recently I read a clever question on social media: “When are we going to talk about the miracle of Jesus having 12 close friends in his 30s?” It was meant to be humorous, so I smiled, but inside I was frowning because the comment hit a...
A Church Without Love?
Seven messages from the Lord Jesus to seven local congregations in 1st-century Asia form the bulk of the opening chapters of the book of Revelation. They are a mix of warning, encouragement, rebuke and commendation, with each church receiving its own personalized blend from the sovereign...
The Friendships You Can’t Keep
Yes, friends you have are SO important . . . and your family. But what about the friendships you can’t seem to keep? First, make sure you are not the problem. I once knew a couple who owned a bookstore. You had to walk between them...
Love – More!
You can never love too much. You can dote too much, cuddle too much, stare at a picture too much, and even fix more cookies than are acceptable, but you cannot love too much. Paul emphasized this to believers in Thessalonica: Now as to the love...
Conquering the Shy Chromosome
Like it or not, much of church life and our impact on society depends on conversation. Do you do much of that? It is the responsibility of everybody in the church—including the shy people. There may be a shy chromosome in the genes somewhere, but if...
One Another Commands
Be at peace with one another. Mk. 9:50 Wash one another’s feet. Jn. 13:14 Love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. Jn. 13:34 Love one another with brotherly affection. Rom. 12:10 Outdo one another in showing honor....