Category: . . . Conscience


Conscience is the light God has placed within the soul of man to distinguish  between right and wrong.  It will be one of the things which will be the basis of God’s judgment at the last day (Romans 2:16). The Scriptures clearly teach us what the...

From Achan to Zacchaeus

This is the story of a boy who could have been named Achan. You remember Achan, probably the most infamous example of coveting in the history of Israel. He was the man who, during the conquest of Jericho, coveted and took forbidden items from that city....

Three Non-negotiables for Christians In the Upcoming Presidential Election

It is a blessing to live in a country where citizens are free to participate in the political process, deciding through a voting system who governs and, to some degree, how they govern. It is also a reality that even this comparatively good system is not...

You and Your Conscience

The decline of morals in our society is deplorable, but what is most alarming is that this decline is increasingly evident in the church. Professing Christians and genuine believers are falling into terrible sins. It is becoming increasingly the problem godly pastors and elders are forced...