Category: . . . Knowing God’s Will
Is There Any Sin in Trusting God?
A well-loved Christian conference speaker once posed this question to me after his message: “Is there any sin in trusting God?” Strange question, isn’t it? The answer has to be, “No.” I know that. You know that. The man who posed the question knew it also....
How Do You Recover From This?
When a child leaves the home abruptly and angrily, with a vow not to return, how do you recover? When you receive termination papers from your work with no prospects of another job, how do you keep from losing it all? When bills pile too high...
Entertainment and the Deeds of Darkness
We all bump into the question often enough. How are we going to entertain ourselves tonight? You may wish that you bumped into it more often, especially if you have young kids. Whatever the circumstances, we all entrust a good portion of our total life span...
A Flick Filter for Christians
As a Christian, how do you choose the movies you watch or permit your children to watch? No one should lay down a legalistic set of rules by listing the movies you may or may not watch as a Christian. Christian parents certainly have the right...
. . . That I Might Not Sin Against You!
True Christians don’t want to sin against God. We want to please our Savior and Lord with our righteous conduct. We want to demonstrate our love for Him and our loyalty to Him in this way. But how do we understand and resist the sinful passions...
How to Ascertain the Will of God
From George Muller’s Narratives I seek at the beginning to get my heart into such a state that it has no will of its own in regard to a given matter. Nine-tenths of the trouble with people generally is just here. Nine-tenths of the difficulties are...