Category: . . . Joy
Under the Sun: Joy, not Gain
In an attempt to regain some of what has long been lost in my very average brain, I’ve been slowly reading a book about American history. I have learned this: It is much more interesting now than when I was in high school! Something that I...
The Key to Christian Contentment
I once heard a comedian tell a joke about a pastor’s sermon series on contentment in the Christian life. His punch line was the title of the series: “Content or Discontent: Which Tent Do You Live In?” Everyone enjoys a good laugh, but contentment in the...
Sorrowful Yet Always Rejoicing
Paul’s instructions are unambiguous: “Rejoice always” (1 Thess. 5:16). Really? Always? Are there not times when it is OK not to rejoice? Are there not times when the pain is simply too intense, the burden too heavy, the sorrow too deep? Did he really mean to...
Seven Causes, and Remedies, for Joylessness
Why are you not more joyful? Oh, I know. You are warm and friendly, even bubbly at times. You are always enthusiastic when singing with your church. You smile a lot. You even handle troubles and trials with a positive attitude. But why are you not...
More Joy
God has graciously given me 41 years to walk before Him (Gen 17:1), to walk with Him (Gen 5:22), and to walk after Him (2 Kg 23:3). What an incredible privilege God gives His sons and daughters. Looking back now, with terminal cancer for the past...
I Will Rejoice . . . Today!
This is the day which the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24Grumbling and complaining, worrying, and fretting are explicitly forbidden to the Christian (Philippians 2:14; 4:6; Psalm 37) and are inconsistent with the life of faith. Instead the Bible...