Category: Theology

You and God’s Law: How’s the Relationship Going?

God’s true people are saved by His grace, but they are distinguished from the rest by their relationship with His moral standard of conduct as revealed in Scripture—His law. Those who are truly His people have always been known for their affectionate submission to His authority...

When God Moves Kings: The Second Exodus

As Moses climbed down the craggy face of Mt. Horeb, you might say he was awestruck. He had just been speaking to a bush engulfed in flames, to the angel of the Lord, and had reluctantly agreed to the impossible task of leading Israel out of...

Why I Long for Eternity

I love thinking about eternity. My favorite thoughts, however, are not of the heavenly city with its gold streets and jeweled walls (cf. Rev. 21:18-21). That city will be impressive, to be sure, but it is not all there is to our future existence. We are...

When God Gives Up

In an exchange, there is always something gained and something lost. On my recent trip to Israel this meant that I had to surrender my dollars to gain shekels. If I wanted to buy souvenirs and Turkish coffee, the money had to be changed. One of...

One Another Commands

Be at peace with one another. Mk. 9:50 Wash one another’s feet. Jn. 13:14 Love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. Jn. 13:34 Love one another with brotherly affection. Rom. 12:10 Outdo one another in showing honor....

O Come, Let Us Ignore Him: Singing Carols About the Jesus You Won’t Love

There we are, sitting in the large public music hall listening to Handel’s “Messiah.” We’re feeling a bit claustrophobic before we start, our coats draped over our shoulders or chairs, and our bulky sweaters surrounding us like woolen nests. We’re heating up nicely as they sing,...

Praying for the Persecuted

The deadliest attack on Christians in the history of Pakistan happened last week. The death toll has reached 85, with 120 wounded. Two suicide bombers entered the worship service in a building that has stood since 1883, and set off explosives containing ball bearings. Children, wives,...

Putting the Testers to the Test

Outside our local Walmart, an outgoing and friendly group of people set up tables in the spot usually occupied by Girl Scouts, Shriners, or the VFW. Celebrity posters and colorful signs on their tables offered passersby a free stress test. One by one, interested shoppers sat...

Reading Scripture Rightly

When reading a section of Scripture, we will find that a passage almost always comes across weighted on one side of an issue or another. I mean this: a passage is written intended to drive a certain point home, aimed at a particular audience, for a...

The Elderly Mr. Phipp: A Brockton Dialogue

James, the youth: Is affection necessary for true spirituality? I mean, can’t a man be Christian, yet cold as a stone emotionally? Mr. Brockton: Affection cannot be separated from true religion. James: But are we to strain to be affectionate toward God when it is not...