Category: FAMILY

Circumstantial Expectations and Competing Priorities

Parents, have you established “circumstantial expectations” for your children’s behavior? In other words, do you train and expect your children to adjust their behavior in different settings and circumstances? Are your children being trained to understand the concept of “competing priorities”? Are you teaching them that...

Dear Singles: Here’s How to Plan for and Pursue Marriage

Singleness is obscure in the New Testament. There are two places that teach about it as a chosen way of life for some (Matthew 19:10-12, plus various verses in First Corinthians 7), but that’s just about it. Have you ever noticed in Paul’s letters, when he...

Two Men Worthy of Imitation

The NBA’s annual slam dunk contest was epic when I was a boy. It’s hard to imagine it getting better than the immense power of Dominique Wilkins versus the insane athleticism of Michael Jordan! They were spectacular examples for me. Of course, I don’t mean I...

Moses on Marriage

Moses, the biblical author of Genesis to Deuteronomy, contemplating God’s creation of man and woman, wrote perhaps the single most important sentence about marriage found anywhere in the Bible: Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and they...

After the Spiritual High Wears Off

I was just back from serving the youth of our church as one of their leaders at an annual camp. The Bible teaching was excellent. The youth were a delight, and several experienced God’s work in their lives. I returned on a “spiritual high.” As I...

As Christ Loved the Church: Instructions for Husbands from Ephesians 5

Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her (Ephesians 5:25). If you’re like me, a Christian husband who takes the Bible seriously, you probably hang your head after reading that command from the Lord (via Paul’s pen). Is he...

The Summer Garden (PART 5): The Role of Corrective Discipline in Preparing Your Child’s Heart to Receive the Gospel 

So far, in Parts 1-4, we have covered most of the “Why?” and “When?” questions concerning corrective discipline. Now we need to discuss the “How?” question. How should you as a parent apply corrective discipline? Before we discuss modes of discipline, remember that there is no...

The Summer Garden(PART 4) The Role of Corrective Discipline in Preparing Your Child’s Heart to Receive the Gospel

In Part 3 I spoke of childishness and foolishness. Now I need to talk about the types of sinful behavior that should never be tolerated in the Christian home—not even once. The only appropriate parental response to the kinds of sins I’m including in Part 4...

The Summer Garden (PART 3): The Role of Corrective Discipline in Preparing Your Child’s Heart to Receive the Gospel

Previously, in Parts 1 and 2, I encouraged you to start early with corrective discipline and continue consistently throughout your child’s formative years—like planting and tending a summer garden to keep the weeds from getting out of control. Now we need to discuss the kinds of...

The Summer Garden (PART 2): The Role of Corrective Discipline in Preparing Your Child’s Heart to Receive the Gospel

Children are born with a fallen nature and an unregenerate heart. Before salvation they are “by nature children of wrath” (Ephesians 2:3). This natural condition amounts to a worse state than being born as a “blank slate” (as many unbiblical thinkers believe to be the case...