Category: . . . Corporate Worship

An Inspiring Tale About the Public Reading of Scripture and its Effects

Jackson was a newly married young man, converted as a teen and eagerly participating in his local church ever since. One Saturday evening as he and his wife were finishing up a documentary, he got a call from one of his pastors. He asked if Jackson...

When You’re Called On to Read the Bible Publicly

Have you ever been asked to read Scripture during the main church meeting on Sunday? Have you been asked to read Scripture in a Sunday School class or other Bible study? How did it go? How should it go? How should a person read the Bible...

Sing to One Another at the Church Meeting?

What do these verses tell us about singing in the church? “And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with...

Making Church Meetings with Small Crowds Better

Try to imagine that you have never walked into the sanctuary of a church building. One Sunday afternoon, as you drive by the brick structure that your neighbors frequent two times Sunday and once Wednesday, you see on the church sign that there is a Sunday...

Does Your Teaching Make People Sleepy?

Glazed over eyes. Wide, tear-producing yawns. Bobbing heads. If you are a pastor, Sunday school teacher, or Bible study leader, you’ve seen them all while you were speaking, and you may be to blame. Is there anything we can do to help people stay connected while...

A Revival of the Public Reading of Scripture

I’m risking sounding old-fashioned, uninventive, or the promoter of something that “just won’t work these days,” but here’s my conviction: We should read even large sections of Scripture when the church meets. A Concise Biblical History Throughout the Bible, God expected His people to hear His...