Why I Long for Eternity
I love thinking about eternity. My favorite thoughts, however, are not of the heavenly city with its gold streets and jeweled walls (cf. Rev. 21:18-21). That city will be impressive, to be sure, but it is not all there is to our future existence.
We are told that the gleaming city will descend from heaven to the new earth, after the old earth with all its corruption has been destroyed by fire (cf. Rev. 21:1-2; 2 Pet, 3:10-12). Think of it! A totally new earth, without any of the negative aspects of life on this one! I’m ready for this new existence-this “new earth, in which righteousness dwells” (2 Peter 3:13).
I long for eternity in the new earth . . .
- because I will be physically with Jesus Christ, having an unhindered view of Him in all His glory, forever.
- because no one will ever leave or die.
- because no one will be indifferent or become hostile when I speak to them about Jesus or the cross.
- because my new body will be able to enjoy the pleasures and presence of God as my old one never could.
- because I will never grow old, become weak or sick, or deteriorate physically or mentally in any way.
- because I will no longer have the ability to sin.
- because I will never again grieve God, be ashamed of my thoughts, words, or actions, cause sadness for others, or need to repent.
- because there will be no darkness, ugliness, or decay; everything will be light and life and beauty.
- because my tongue will no longer be “a restless evil and full of deadly poison.”
- because I will be forever engulfed in both the awareness and the exercise of perfect love.
- because there will be nothing like anxiety, depression, fear, confusion, frustration, disappointment, discouragement, sorrow, or regret.
- because I will never again be disturbed by the thought of someone I love possibly going to hell.
- because I will never again tell or hear bad news.
- because there will be no need for prisons, hospitals, ambulances, fire trucks, or police cars.
- because no one will ever be angry at me, nor will I ever be angry at someone else.
- because there will be perfect unity and unbroken fellowship among God’s people.
- because I will never again be tempted to doubt God’s goodness or love.
- because I will never again think or speak of God’s nature or character in a way that degrades Him.
- because delicious food will no longer represent a threat to my health.
- because I will never be bored or become disinterested in the pursuit of the pleasures of God, which are infinite and unfathomable.
(Rev. 22:20)