Category: Children
After the Spiritual High Wears Off
I was just back from serving the youth of our church as one of their leaders at an annual camp. The Bible teaching was excellent. The youth were a delight, and several experienced God’s work in their lives. I returned on a “spiritual high.” As I...
Now that Camp, or the Retreat, or the Conference, is Over
There is a spiritual “high” that is often experienced toward the end of a church camp, retreat, or conference. A few days of solid Bible teaching, intentional fellowship, and extended personal time with the Lord has a way of making a believer’s heart full. “I wish...
Scoffer, Slacker, Seeker, or Saint? – A Spiritual Census for Teens
Every ten years in America a survey called a census is taken to determine the current number of U.S. residents. Other information is also obtained and used to paint an up-to-date economic, political, and religious portrait of our society. What if a census were taken in...
Isaac Watts – Rejected Suitor
Isaac had butterflies in his stomach as he paced nervously around the room. Today was the day he would meet Elizabeth Singer for the first time. Several months ago Elizabeth, a noted poet in her own right, wrote to tell Isaac how moved she was by...
Children, Obey Your Parents
Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.Ephesians 6:1 Children have become experts these days at stretching and re-interpreting the words of Ephesians 6:1. The result has been to redefine various forms of rebellion as obedience. Even worse, parents have all too often...
Back to School for the Glory of God
When I was in school, summer vacation always went too fast. Somehow three months off felt like only three weeks, and suddenly I found myself standing in the school supplies aisle at Wal-Mart anticipating the beginning of another year. As I reflect back on my schooling,...