Category: . . . Spiritual Leadership

False Teachers: What to Do with the Poison in the Water

In telling the fictitious story of Barnabas Sackett coming on a ship from England to America in the 1600s, Louis L’Amour describes Sackett’s shipmates like this:  “They were rascals, no question of that, and a dirty, poisonous lot, enough to kill the fish for miles if...

The Foibles and Fallibility of Christian Leaders

The inconsistencies, unattended weaknesses, eccentricities, normalizations of subtle sinful habits, relational neglectfulness or awkwardness, sometimes grating quirks, phases of tiredness and even laziness, and susceptibility to pride — just to begin the list — illustrate what kinds of things can be found in almost every Christian...

Timid Timothy?

If a group of believers were asked to describe Timothy in one word, I’m confident that some (most?) would use a word like “timid.” They may be right, based upon Second Timothy 1:6-7, “For this reason I remind you to kindle afresh the gift of God which...

If You Want to be a Leader

It is in the heart of many of us to lead. There is something inside of us that longs to help people move forward. If our motivations are right and this is not just for selfish gain or human recognition, it is usually a desire that...

How to Use Your Pastors for All They’re Worth

Do you take advantage of your pastors? Pastors (also called “elders” in Scripture) are assigned the role of leading the local church, and they are invested by God with the authority commensurate with this responsibility. History has taught us that following a leader can be frighteningly...