Category: Arts & Literature

The Discipline of God is Strong

The discipline of God is strongTo make the sinning Christian bend,Until affection, thoughts, and waysAre each conformed to God’s own end.The selfish child must not forgetThe Father’s love is sometimes foundIn troubles and hard circumstance,And in the rough uneven ground. Do not lose heart when you’re...

Book Fire!

I love this old photo. How we need knowledge and the best wisdom of the ages! Making books available for children, for instance, is a critical work for creating an orderly and educated society. One wonders, with the advent of social media, if this is still...

Should Christians Pursue the Arts?

I re-skimmed George Eliot’s The Mill on the Floss last week. It has had a startlingly deep affect on me over these days—searching far into caves of feeling, and engendering a few meditative walks. Its themes have turned my mind to consider why it is that...

Returning to Narnia

It feels like an old friend is coming for a visit. Many of us who love the book The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe are delighted to see the story introduced to a wider audience and to return to Narnia ourselves through Walden Media and...

Narnia: More Than a Fantasy

The shape of Clives Staples Lewis’ early life was full of ups and downs. His mother died before he was ten leaving him and his brother alone in a large house for hours, in their imaginary worlds of Animal-Land and India. The boys’ imaginations were fueled...

God Knows What He’s About

When God wants to drill a man, And thrill a man, and skill a man, When God wants to mold a man To play the noblest part; When He yearns with all His heart To create so great and bold a man That all the world...

God’s Glory in the Joy of Men

“I will,” God said, “forge for Myself, Out of the vastness of My wealth, An immeasurable expanse With stars and planets in a dance Rejoined by all of heaven’s host For joy that I would choose to boast The power of My potent hand. In this,...