Category: THEOLOGY
Don’t Miss the Greetings and Benediction
I have never regretted slowing down and meditating on the greetings and benedictions at the end of Paul’s writings. Here is the latest I’ve been contemplating: Greet every saint in Christ Jesus. The brothers who are with me greet you. All the saints greet you, especially...
The Discipline of God is Strong
The discipline of God is strongTo make the sinning Christian bend,Until affection, thoughts, and waysAre each conformed to God’s own end.The selfish child must not forgetThe Father’s love is sometimes foundIn troubles and hard circumstance,And in the rough uneven ground. Do not lose heart when you’re...
An Enemy Has Done This!
When Jesus told his parable about the weeds growing alongside the wheat, he exclaimed, “An enemy has done this!” It was so. Good seed had been sown, but the workers found weeds growing among the grain which at the time were nearly indistinguishable to the laborers....
Moses on Marriage
Moses, the biblical author of Genesis to Deuteronomy, contemplating God’s creation of man and woman, wrote perhaps the single most important sentence about marriage found anywhere in the Bible: Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and they...
Jesus – The Son of God in Power Who Loves Us
The Apostle Paul’s opening salvo in his letter to the church at Rome is a magnificent seven-verse, single-sentence greeting in which he trumpets the central truth upon which he will build the rest of the letter. If you know anything about grammatically diagramming a sentence—something most...
Your Very Worst Problem
Death is not the worst thing that can happen to you. The worst thing that can happen to you, or to any human being, is to die on the wrong side of God’s judgment. As Jesus said of Judas after he exposed himself as a greedy...
Should People Feel Badly Before Responding to the Good News?
It seemed as if a wet wool coat of conviction was covering me before I came to Christ. I was weighted down with guilt. It seemed unbearable. Something had to change. My mother faithfully shared good news with me. I had heard it all before, but...
What to Do When Your Sin Brings Overwhelming Guilt
This man was in big trouble! Out of the depths I cry to you, O LORD! O Lord, hear my voice! Let your ears be attentive to the voice of my pleas for mercy! (Psalm 130:1-2) How did he get into such a predicament? Listen closely:...
Free from the Law! What Does That Mean?
When I was a boy, our church used to sing a hymn called “Free from the Law, O Happy Condition!” Little did I know that being free from the Law was so important! Here’s a short explanation—a primer so to speak. Jews Were Under the Law...
The Gift of Love: When Do I Die?
It was told as true, but I cannot be sure of that. However, such love as I’m about to show you has been seen in the history of the world many times, in one form or another. It is sacrificial love, like Christ’s. It is the...