Category: God
The Discipline of God is Strong
The discipline of God is strongTo make the sinning Christian bend,Until affection, thoughts, and waysAre each conformed to God’s own end.The selfish child must not forgetThe Father’s love is sometimes foundIn troubles and hard circumstance,And in the rough uneven ground. Do not lose heart when you’re...
An Enemy Has Done This!
When Jesus told his parable about the weeds growing alongside the wheat, he exclaimed, “An enemy has done this!” It was so. Good seed had been sown, but the workers found weeds growing among the grain which at the time were nearly indistinguishable to the laborers....
Your Very Worst Problem
Death is not the worst thing that can happen to you. The worst thing that can happen to you, or to any human being, is to die on the wrong side of God’s judgment. As Jesus said of Judas after he exposed himself as a greedy...
The Incomprehensible Love of God in Christ
When believers suffer, is it a sign that God doesn’t care? Is the seemingly arbitrary and unfair distribution of suffering in this life an indication that God is not a loving Father? Someone I know recently expressed personal doubts about the character of God. He...
How God Uses Our Worst Seasons
What’s the worst thing that has ever happened to you? The thing that you feel is too big for God to make any sense of; that no good can ever come from such tragedy? God can turn anything into anything, if we follow Him. Joseph was...
I Awake, and I am Still with You
I like to know the direction I’m facing—the cardinal direction. If I’m facing north, I want to know it. If the road is headed mostly southwest, I want to know it. Sometimes when I travel, I awake in the middle of the night and don’t know...
You Are Not Hidden From God
Hiddenness is complicated. If we create it for ourselves via secrecy, it provides us a false sense of safety—existing in a world where people only know what we want them to. But if it is created apart from our will through loss, loneliness, sickness, or pain,...
Adoption—In God’s Loving Eyes
God loves orphans. Throughout the Old Testament God makes special mention of them (and widows) as dear to His heart. When you reap your harvest in your field and have forgotten a sheaf in the field, you shall not go back to get it; it shall...
35 Years and the Providence of God
I just received this New Testament, Thursday, 35 years late. It had been a gift from my wife with a very special note inside. I thought I lost the New Testament 35 years ago in an airplane. I recall feeling sad about it, but praying some...
Who is Like You Among the Gods, O Yahweh?
Why did the Exodus happen? I’ll give you a multiple choice. A. To bring the Israelites out of slavery. B. For God to fulfill his covenant with Abraham to bring the Israelites to the promised land. If you answered (A), you would be right. If you...