Category: Jesus Christ

Jesus – The Son of God in Power Who Loves Us

The Apostle Paul’s opening salvo in his letter to the church at Rome is a magnificent seven-verse, single-sentence greeting in which he trumpets the central truth upon which he will build the rest of the letter. If you know anything about grammatically diagramming a sentence—something most...

All Authority, All the Time

“All things have been handed over to me by my father; and no one knows the Son except the Father; nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal him.” Matthew 11:27 It is almost impossible for...

Jesus’ Counter-Cultural Love

How do you define love? In our age of indulgence, many define love this way: giving another person what he wants, regardless of what may be best for him. For example, if a 30-year old pregnant woman wants to murder her unborn child because she doesn’t...

Waiting on Jesus

A few weeks ago, we decided to go on a family date. And this wasn’t just any old family date to Chick-Fil-A—though we love fried chicken as much as any family—this was going to be a Kansas City BBQ experience. The kind you write articles about....

Unto Non-Elite People is Born A Savior

It was to “shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night” (Luke 2:8) that the angel of the Lord first announced, “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord” (2:11). Why...

Oh the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus as He was Dying on the Cross

As Luke told the story about the opening moments and early hours that Jesus hung on the cross (Luke 23:32-43), he especially highlighted something about Christ’s character—his love. This trait of Jesus is especially noteworthy when observing that all around the cross, sin was rampant. One...

Two Dreams, One Glorious Reality

In Daniel 2 we read about Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. Daniel, to whom God revealed the dream and its interpretation, explains to Nebuchadnezzar what he saw: a statue with a head of gold, chest and arms of silver, middle and thighs of bronze, legs of iron and feet...

How Did Jesus Get His Name?

What is in a name anyway? Maybe you know what your name means, and it is something profound and wonderful. Or maybe your name means something less than fantastic like my name, Kole, which means “darkly-complexioned”. If you met me, it would be obvious that my...

Jesus Died a Hero?

There is a very old bit of graffiti scrawled onto a plaster wall in Rome. It’s a crude sketch of a naked man hanging on a stick-figure cross. The man has the head of a donkey. To the left stands another man who looks up at...

Unless You Believe: The Starting Place

I understand that doubts can be a problem. But in the passage below, Jesus says there is something we must believe if we expect forgiveness for our sins. Zoom in now and note carefully what Christ says about belief: And He was saying to them, “You...