Category: . . . Predestination

When Do Christ’s Sheep Become His Sheep?

“But you do not believe because you are not of My sheep” (John 10:26) I once heard a man read the above verse and ask, “When does a sheep become a sheep?” The question is a good one, and has importance in the dialogue in John...

Knowing We’re Chosen by God

I’ve noticed both online and in person that some people regularly and vigorously defend their view of election (God choosing to save some people). When the apostle Paul mentioned the idea of election in First Thessalonians 1:4, he wasn’t arguing for his view, but simply stating...

Seek and You Will Find: The Investigative Spirit that Leads to Salvation

Once, when a large crowd was present, Jesus told a parable about a sower sowing seed (Luke 8:4-8). He explained that some of the seeds fell on hard ground and were immediately snatched up by birds. Other seeds fell on shallow rocky soil. They sprouted, but...