Category: Church Life

The Suffering Church: Meitei Believers

As I spoke by interpreter to the Meitei pastors and church planters in Bangladesh, I knew that I was training a special group of conscientious leaders. We met in a small mud chapel beside a devoted pastor’s home who had just died unexpectedly. They listened intently...

Watching Out for the Faith of Others

Paul had waited long enough. He just had to hear from the new believers he had left in the Macedonian capital city of Thessalonica—believers who were facing affliction for their commitment to Christ. Paul longed to see these new Christians face to face, but it wasn’t...

Waiting for a Ministry

It was John Wesley who said, “Don’t seek for a ministry, but seek for the fruit of a disciplined life.” In other words, pining away for a ministry is a waste of precious time. Rather, go deeper and God will use you in ways you haven’t...

Vacation Bible School: Do’s and Don’ts

Months of planning precede it. A line item in the church’s budget often funds it. Most churches hosting it see these few days every year as a prime opportunity to evangelize children. For some, it’s the most tiring event of the year. Of course, I’m talking...

Vacation Bible School and the Doctrine of Hell

Vacation Bible School (VBS) was nearly upon us, and the children’s ministry workers had gathered for a final preparatory meeting. Anticipation filled the room as we eagerly awaited the opportunity to minister to the precious little souls that the Lord would send our way. Thankfully, we...

The Church of the Shrunken Heads

I could walk to the museum when I was a boy in Kansas City. Of all the wonders I saw there, the shrunken head was the most alluring. I could envision how it was made to shrink. It was inset in the wall, blackened, menacing, exotic,...

The Care and Feeding of Flies

I just received this news about a Warren, Arkansas event, which took place 84 years ago. I’m sure that I’m the very latest one to receive this intelligence. Here it is: Mar. 3, 1914: Warren, Mar 2 – Yesterday closed the fly contest that has been...

The Benefits of Having Missionaries Visit Our Churches

When missionaries visit our churches, we should encourage and care for them (see 3 John 5-8), but how does the church profit from the presence of missionaries? Consider three tremendous benefits: 1. Missionaries remind us that Christ is building His church from “every tribe and tongue...

Sing to One Another at the Church Meeting?

What do these verses tell us about singing in the church? “And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with...

The Pastor Search Process: Do You Know How to Pick a Pastor?

In many churches, the process of finding a pastor first involves securing a large number of resumes and sifting through each man’s credentials. Once a few have been selected, the “search committee” checks references, makes necessary phone calls, conducts interviews, and eventually recommends a candidate to...