Category: Sin
Not Fit For Noah’s Ark
Some people may have a soft spot in their heart for warthogs, but I think they are the ugliest animals on the planet. Baby warthogs are not quite as ugly as the adults, but even the babies won’t win any beauty contests. And by the time...
Don’t Tell Me What To Do!
Christianity is a hard sell. For people who think of Christ as the Divine Kill-joy, nothing could be worse than to be made to submit to Him. But suppose the person finds life unbearable when submitting to himself The man from the region of the Gerasenes...
The Gospel Flu Shot
What if your grandmother were to develop flu-like symptoms about a month after receiving her flu shot? Would you say, “Grandma, you can’t have the flu. You just got your flu shot last month.” What if her doctor also said, “She does have the classic flu...
What Your Atheist Friend Knows About God (But Doesn’t Want to Admit)
Years ago I stood before Michelangelo’s David in Florence, Italy. No one questioned that an artist had sculpted this magnificent piece of Renaissance art. It was the work of a genius. Yet, in the same room, no doubt, there were persons called “atheists” who would deny...