Category: . . . Evangelism

Suffering Evangelism

If you had tuberculosis, what would you do? Doug Nichols is the Founder and International Director Emeritus of Action International Ministries. While serving as a missionary in India in 1967, he contracted tuberculosis. He was treated in a sanatorium in India, and while there he tried...

Ten Questions to ask about The Passion of the Christ

The 2004 movie produced by Mel Gibson, The Passion of the Christ, is one of the most popular and controversial films of our time. These questions will help in thinking through the movie, or in discussing it with others. 1. Do you know why Jesus had...

The Gospel Flu Shot

What if your grandmother were to develop flu-like symptoms about a month after receiving her flu shot? Would you say, “Grandma, you can’t have the flu. You just got your flu shot last month.” What if her doctor also said, “She does have the classic flu...

The Indecency of Decency

Explaining the Gospel to Those Who Don’t Think They Need It I invite you to eavesdrop on a conversation between two Christians, Nick and John. Nick is explaining the basic difference between two categories of people: those who love God, and those who don’t. He will...

What Your Atheist Friend Knows About God (But Doesn’t Want to Admit)

Years ago I stood before Michelangelo’s David in Florence, Italy. No one questioned that an artist had sculpted this magnificent piece of Renaissance art. It was the work of a genius. Yet, in the same room, no doubt, there were persons called “atheists” who would deny...

What About Your Relatives?

In the New Testament, we find new believers confronting their own family first with the gospel. One writer calls this “oikos evangelism.” The word “oikos” means “household” in the language of the New Testament. A model for reaching our families is found in the first encounter...

Tips on Talking About Jesus

I’ve been on some evangelism excursions where I felt like I was carrying a concealed weapon. “If only they could see the weapon,” I thought, “they would click their heels and run.” The thought came from experience. I’ve met many people who were friendly enough until...

Waiting on the Gospel Seed to Bear Fruit

Do you ever wish you could hurry up God’s work in someone’s heart? During a period of American history called the Second Great Awakening, beginning in the late 18th century, many people were being converted to Christ. This story was written during this time. Look at...

The Value of Hanging Out

I have just spoken to a lady from Germany about her kids in college while my Lebanese friend was standing by. Both work at the local coffee shop where I am writing this piece. Just prior to that I spoke with other acquaintances from South Korea...