Category: . . . Bible Reading & Meditation

Paraphrasing Scripture as a Way to Meditate

Like a beautiful landscape or a good song, the riches of biblical literature can be experienced in multiple ways. You can read it closely, pencil in hand. You can memorize it, mulling over the verses. You can listen to it taught. Or you can simply lie...

Walking the House

The title is a little misleading, but now that you are here, read what I have to say. I’m suggesting that many of you begin to walk IN your house . . . and that you do it as a way of improving physically and spiritually....

Rising Early with George Muller

I want to encourage all believers to get into the habit of rising early to meet with God. How much time should be allowed for rest? No rule of universal application can be given because all persons do not require the same amount of sleep. Also...

Serious Bible Readers Are Not Serious Sinners

I’ll start by making a bold assertion: The true Christian who becomes absorbed in the study of God’s word, who spends the largest percentage of his otherwise unallocated time in serious, concentrated and thoughtful Bible reading, who orders his life around this pursuit and the behaviors...

GPS for the Soul

Admiral Byrd spent a six month night alone on his first Antarctic Expedition. Each day he shoveled to the surface for exercise. There was just enough light to see a dozen yards or so. In that light he walked a few steps then turned back into...

Frazzled Yet Faithful

One way believers demonstrate their faithfulness to God is by remaining consistent in personal spiritual disciplines like prayer and Bible study. These practices not only edify the believer, they also say to God, “I enjoy You and I want to spend time with You.” I am...

Devotional Dullness: Activity or Atrophy?

Are you a morally sloppy Christian? That is, are you less zealous than you should be about the pursuit of true holiness? Would it be difficult for you to honestly say that you “hunger and thirst for righteousness” (Matt. 5:6)? If so, I would like to...

Beware of Study Bibles

I like resources that help me understand the Bible. My collection of commentaries grows yearly. The amount of books I own addressing various areas of theology numbers in the hundreds. There are a couple of websites that I visit regularly where numerous Bible study tools are...

The Church of the Shrunken Heads

I could walk to the museum when I was a boy in Kansas City. Of all the wonders I saw there, the shrunken head was the most alluring. I could envision how it was made to shrink. It was inset in the wall, blackened, menacing, exotic,...

Hearing Aids for Believers

Let’s face it-sometimes it is hard to get much out of the sermon or teaching you receive in your church. While some of the blame often lies at the feet of the presenter, it is still the obligation of the listener to scratch for something nourishing...