Category: For Children
The Scariest House of All (for children)
When I was little girl, my family often visited my Grandparents’ farm. My sister and I could explore the barn, climb on the tractor or pretend to drive the old broken-down farm truck. But there was one place where we were forbidden to play. We were...
The Prince Who Became a Nobody Who Became a Prince Again (for children)
A long time ago, a little boy named Mephibosheth lived in his grandfather Saul’s palace. Saul was the very first king of Israel, and I’m sorry to tell you that he was not a very good king. He was not the worst king Israel would have,...
The Meanest Wish Ever (for children)
Let’s play a wishing game. Imagine that your mom or dad said, “Tell me what you would like. Whatever it is, I will give to you.” Wise parents would never say such a thing to their child, but what if they did? What would you ask...
The Man Who Made an Idol of Trash (for children)
The man who lived in the house just across the street died after being sick for a long time. His home sat empty for months and we never saw anyone there until the day the green dumpster arrived. It was so big that it took up...
The Four Helpful Friends (for children)
Four friends were sad. These young men had another friend who was paralyzed. That means he couldn’t walk. He couldn’t go outside, or help with chores, or even go to school unless someone carried him. All day long their friend lay on his mat, hoping for...
The Baptism of Jesus (for children)
Have you ever played on a team that had matching uniforms? It’s fun to be part of a group of people who are all dressed the same because they all have the same goal. Being dressed like your teammate means you identify with them. People can...
The Baby Named “Laughter” (for children)
An insert for children from Genesis 12:1–21:7 It’s always exciting news when you hear someone is expecting a baby, isn’t it? Your mom and dad might come to you and say, “You are going to have a new brother or sister!” and everyone would be excited...
Someone Was Different: The Story of John the Baptist (for children)
A long time ago, God gave His special people, the Israelites, rules to help them remember Him. God told them not to eat certain kinds of food so that they would be different from the people who didn’t know about God. God told His people to...
Should We Quack Like Ducks in Church? (for children)
Have you ever thought about why we do the things we do when we go to church? What if the next time you went to church, the song leader asked everyone to quack like ducks instead of singing worship songs? Would God be pleased if your...
Patrick the Missionary (for children)
Do you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day? Where I live, there are parades and parties on March 17th in order to honor St. Patrick, who was a famous missionary to Ireland. Many people think that wearing green on that day is lucky. They think about luck a...