Category: Jesus Christ
Understanding God’s Purpose in Sending His Son
. . . and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins. (Matthew 1:21)God the Father sent His Son into the world with a definite purpose. It was a purpose that can even be seen in His name. When...
Understanding the Death of Christ (Part 2)
A Finished Work As we learned in the last issue of Basic Truth, Jesus did not come to merely make men savable. He came to “save His people from their sins” (Matt. 1:21). As Jesus said of Himself, “the Son of Man has come to seek...
Understanding the Death of Christ
Faith and Grace in Relation to the Death of Christ As important as faith is in salvation, when a person believes and is justified, it is not faith that saves him—not even partially. Faith cannot appease God’s wrath. Only the blood of the perfect sacrifice can...
Understanding the Ascension
God has always held ultimate power, and Jesus is God. But Jesus is also fully man. No man (or angel for that matter, including Satan) has ever held absolute power or been the ultimate sovereign over heaven and earth—that is, until the resurrection and ascension of...
Understanding the Resurrection
The Resurrection Vindicates Christ’s Claims and Predictions What would you think of a man who, in every visible respect, appeared ordinary yet claimed to be the Son of God? What if he also claimed to be deserving of equal honor with God? What if he even...
Man of Sorrows
Then Jesus went with them to a place called Gethsemane . . . And . . . he began to be sorrowful and troubled. (Matthew 26:36, 37) The statement in Matthew 26:36, 37 is significant. Christ has known sorrow before this, but the assertion that in...
I Believe in the Resurrection
The resurrection of Jesus Christ has been called the central teaching of the Christian faith, the heart of the Gospel, the cornerstone of our theology, and the basis of our hope as believers. Perhaps that explains why the truth of the bodily resurrection of Christ has...
I Saw Someone Raised from the Dead
An acquaintance of mine died a couple of weeks ago. He was an interesting fellow, somewhat unique in his religious beliefs, as I remember. He seemed to have been quite influenced by a somewhat well known religious teacher who would sometimes stay at his house on...
Jesus . . . In His Own Words
Ultimately, everything said about Jesus in the Bible is part of His own self-testimony. He is the ultimate Author of all Scripture. But I hope you will be encouraged, instructed, challenged, or perhaps even corrected by the following collection of things Jesus actually said about Himself....
A Tale of Two Therefores
Jesus had just raised Lazarus from the dead. It was such an incredible miracle that when the Jewish leaders found out about it, they knew they had to act. They convened a council largely made up of Pharisees and Sadducees, men who were all part of...