Category: HOLIDAY
The Value of Physical Fitness for the Christian
In any discussion about Christians and physical fitness, we should begin with Paul’s comparison in 1 Timothy 4:7-8—“On the other hand, discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness; for bodily discipline is only of little profit, but godliness is profitable for all things, since it holds...
The Importance of Remembering
Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for Americans who have died in military service to our nation. To remember the sacrifices of those in our past is not only right and good, but essential. Without such sacrifices, we would have no present freedom, security, or...
Holidays: Do You Really Enjoy Them?
It might surprise you to know that not everyone loves the holidays. Yes, really. There are those whose work is severely interrupted and cannot wait for the days to return to normal. Though they may not say, “Bah, humbug,” they survive best in the routine of...
Christmas: Are We Supposed to Celebrate It?
You don’t have to celebrate Christmas. There is no command in the Bible to remember the time of Christ’s birth—not even a hint of it—nor is there any illustration of that happening in New Testament days. As far as we can tell, the Apostles never had...
An Empty Chair at Christmas
Sometimes the hope of Christmas is, “Next year all our troubles will be miles away.” That’s what the song says anyway, but many will not have a merry Christmas just because of that. They know it is not true. Many start with and cannot get past...
A Ka-ching Thanksgiving
There is one day that we as a nation, from our earliest history, have set aside to thank God for His blessings. The Pilgrim Fathers did not know that their first Thanksgiving Day would result in a national holiday celebrated for hundreds of years. Centuries of...
A Hot Investment Tip for the New Year
You already know that you should put your money on a company that’s going places. Get in while it’s small and cheap, and if all goes as hoped, it will grow really big. I’m here to tell you, over the water cooler of course, that the...
The Greatest Understatement Ever Made
Inconspicuously penned like a hurried postscript to a lengthy letter, we find what is perhaps the greatest understatement ever made, unadorned and unpretentious. The sum total of this incomprehensible little notation expends only five words in the Bible: “He made the stars also” (Genesis 1:16). The...
Understanding the Resurrection
The Resurrection Vindicates Christ’s Claims and Predictions What would you think of a man who, in every visible respect, appeared ordinary yet claimed to be the Son of God? What if he also claimed to be deserving of equal honor with God? What if he even...
O Come, Let Us Ignore Him: Singing Carols About the Jesus You Won’t Love
There we are, sitting in the large public music hall listening to Handel’s “Messiah.” We’re feeling a bit claustrophobic before we start, our coats draped over our shoulders or chairs, and our bulky sweaters surrounding us like woolen nests. We’re heating up nicely as they sing,...