Category: . . . Evangelistic Resources

To Whom Shall We Go?

When it happened, it took everyone by surprise. Another well-known Christian writer and speaker publicly renounced his faith in Christ, letting everyone know he no longer considers himself a Christian. It was very discouraging news for believers, especially since, in addition to betraying Jesus and his...

Now that Camp, or the Retreat, or the Conference, is Over

There is a spiritual “high” that is often experienced toward the end of a church camp, retreat, or conference. A few days of solid Bible teaching, intentional fellowship, and extended personal time with the Lord has a way of making a believer’s heart full. “I wish...

Oh the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus as He was Dying on the Cross

As Luke told the story about the opening moments and early hours that Jesus hung on the cross (Luke 23:32-43), he especially highlighted something about Christ’s character—his love. This trait of Jesus is especially noteworthy when observing that all around the cross, sin was rampant. One...

Repent! (While You Can)

Repentance is, in one sense, simple. In biblical terms it may be likened to a U-turn in one’s heart and life. It involves no complex formula, but is simply to turn away from sin and self and a worldly mindset and life, and turn to God...

Fully Known and Fully Accepted

I spent a good part of my life hiding, ashamed of sins I had committed in thought, word, and deed—desperate for people to accept the false identities I fought hard to maintain. Right up to the day of my conversion, one of the most often reviewed...

The Cure for Sin Spots

I recently had an interaction with a young man who was struggling with his obvious need to apologize for a particular pattern of sinning, but was reluctant to say “I’m sorry.” I confronted him with my assessment of the situation and asked him if there was...

Can These Bones Live?

In his classic book, The Cross and the Switchblade, David Wilkerson remembers his transition from pastoring in rural Pennsylvania to evangelizing the teenage street gangs of 1950s New York City. One gang, the Mau Maus, figures prominently in the book because of its unusual hardness and...

Liam Loopert, Self-duped: A Brockton Dialog

A Brockton Dialogue James, the student: How faithful does one have to be in order to be a true Christian? The wise Mr. Brockton: To church or to God? James: Doesn’t one imply the other? Mr. Brockton: Faithfulness has many drivers, which can be deceiving. But...

How Did Jesus Get His Name?

What is in a name anyway? Maybe you know what your name means, and it is something profound and wonderful. Or maybe your name means something less than fantastic like my name, Kole, which means “darkly-complexioned”. If you met me, it would be obvious that my...

What Jesus Thought Was Wrong with the World: And How It’s Different Than Most People Think

Most people think there’s something wrong with the world. Ask almost any of our nation’s recent immigrants and they’ll tell you that without hesitation. That’s because when they came here to find something better they were fleeing something worse, usually violence or poverty. But it’s not...